OEM-Vernetzte Umsätze und B2C-Chancen

Nutzen Sie vernetzte Umsatzmöglichkeiten

Da Transport und Automobil immer stärker von der Digitalisierung geprägt sind, sind die Möglichkeiten für Originalhersteller (OEMs), durch vernetzte Dienste neue Einnahmequellen zu erschließen, vielversprechender denn je. Drivetech Partners steht an der Spitze dieser Revolution und nutzt seine engen Beziehungen zur Branche und sein technologisches Know-how, um OEMs bei der Erschließung und Nutzung dieser wachsenden Einnahmequellen zu unterstützen.

Umsätze aus innovativen OEM-Mobilitätsdiensten

Von Premium-Infotainment und erweiterten Navigationssystemen bis hin zu abonnementbasierten Fahrzeugzustandsüberwachungs- und Telematikdiensten unterstützen wir OEMs bei der Entwicklung und Bereitstellung einer Reihe vernetzter Abonnementdienste verschiedener Anbieter, die den Ansprüchen des modernen Verbrauchers an Technologie und Komfort gerecht werden.

  • Subscription-Based Services

    Offer premium subscription packages for connected services such as advanced navigation, real-time traffic updates, remote vehicle monitoring, and concierge services. These subscription-based models provide recurring revenue streams for OEMs.

  • Telematics Data Monetisation

    Collect and analyze vehicle data to offer insights to third-party businesses, such as insurance companies, fleet operators, and advertisers. OEMs can monetize this data by providing valuable analytics and personalised services based on driving behavior, vehicle health, and user preferences.

  • In-Vehicle Entertainment and Content

    Partner with content providers to offer streaming services, gaming platforms, and personalized entertainment options within the vehicle. OEMs can monetize these services through subscription fees, advertising, and revenue-sharing agreements.

  • Ecosystem Integration

    Create an open platform that allows third-party developers to build and deploy apps and services within the vehicle ecosystem. OEMs can generate revenue through app store commissions, licensing fees, and partnerships with developers.

  • Value-Added Services

    Offer value-added services such as remote vehicle diagnostics, predictive maintenance, and over-the-air software updates. These services enhance the ownership experience, increase customer loyalty, and can be monetized through one-time fees or subscription models.

  • MaaS Mobility Services

    Expand beyond traditional vehicle ownership models by offering mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) platforms, ride-sharing, and car-sharing programs. OEMs can generate revenue through ride commissions, subscription fees, and usage-based pricing models.

  • Connected Commerce

    Enable in-vehicle commerce experiences, allowing users to make purchases, reservations, and transactions directly from the vehicle. OEMs can monetize these transactions through partnerships, affiliate marketing, and transaction fees.

  • Personalised Experiences & AI

    Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to deliver personalized recommendations, offers, and experiences based on user preferences, habits, and behavior. OEMs can monetize these personalised services through targeted advertising, upselling, and premium features.

Strategien zur Monetarisierung von OEM-Daten

Drivetech Partners unterstützt OEMs bei der ethischen Nutzung und Analyse von Fahrzeugdaten im Einklang mit lokalen Vorschriften, um aussagekräftige Erkenntnisse zum Verbraucherverhalten, zur Fahrzeugleistung und zu potenziellen Serviceverbesserungen zu gewinnen und durch gezielte Dienstleistungen und Partnerschaften neue Einnahmequellen zu erschließen.

  • Anonymised Data Sales

    OEMs can aggregate and anonymise vehicle data to protect user privacy while selling valuable insights to third-party businesses, such as insurance companies, urban planners, and marketers. This data can include traffic patterns, road conditions, and vehicle usage statistics, which can be used for market research, predictive analytics, and targeted advertising.

  • Subscription-Based Services

    Offer premium subscription packages that provide access to advanced vehicle data and analytics services. These services can include real-time vehicle diagnostics, predictive maintenance alerts, and personalized driving insights. Subscriptions can be sold directly to consumers or through partnerships with fleet operators, insurance companies, and other businesses.

  • API Access

    Create application programming interfaces (APIs) that allow third-party developers to access and integrate vehicle data into their own applications and services. OEMs can charge developers for access to these APIs based on usage, data volume, or subscription fees.

  • Value-Added Services

    Develop and monetize value-added services that leverage vehicle data to enhance the ownership experience. These services can include remote vehicle monitoring, stolen vehicle recovery, and usage-based insurance. OEMs can charge one-time fees or subscription fees for access to these services.

  • Data Licensing

    License proprietary vehicle data to third-party businesses for use in their own products and services. This can include licensing agreements with navigation software providers, telematics companies, and smart city developers. OEMs can negotiate licensing fees based on the value of the data and the scope of the usage rights granted.

  • Data Partnerships

    Establish strategic partnerships with other businesses to exchange or share vehicle data for mutual benefit. For example, OEMs can partner with insurance companies to share vehicle telematics data in exchange for discounted insurance premiums for customers. These partnerships can create new revenue streams and enhance customer loyalty.

  • In-Vehicle Advertising

    Monetise vehicle data by delivering targeted advertisements and promotions directly to vehicle infotainment systems. OEMs can partner with advertisers to deliver personalized ads based on factors such as location, driving behavior, and user preferences. Revenue can be generated through ad impressions, clicks, and conversions.


OEMs können verschiedene Strategien zur Ökosystemintegration implementieren, um durch die Nutzung von Partnerschaften, Plattformen und Drittentwicklern Umsätze zu erzielen. Schaffen Sie ein vernetztes Ökosystem, in dem Fahrzeuge, Smartphones, Unternehmen und städtische Infrastruktur reibungslos kommunizieren, bieten Sie Verbrauchern ein einheitliches und intuitives Benutzererlebnis und OEMs wiederkehrende Einnahmequellen.

  • Developer Platforms

    Integrate developer platforms and application programming interfaces (APIs) that enable third-party developers to build and deploy apps and services within the vehicle ecosystem. OEMs can charge developers for access to these platforms, API usage, or subscription fees based on the value of the services provided.

  • App Marketplaces

    Establish app marketplaces within vehicles, similar to smartphone app stores, where users can discover and download a wide range of apps and services. OEMs can charge developers a commission or listing fee for each app sold through the marketplace, creating a new revenue stream.

  • In-Vehicle Purchases

    Enable in-vehicle purchases of digital goods and services, such as navigation maps, entertainment content, and productivity tools. OEMs can take a percentage of each transaction as a platform fee, similar to app stores on mobile devices.

  • Subscription Services

    Offer subscription-based services that provide access to premium features and content within the vehicle ecosystem. These services can include advanced navigation, streaming media, and personalized assistance. OEMs can charge users a monthly or annual subscription fee, with a portion of the revenue shared with content providers and developers.

  • Advertising and Sponsorships

    Monetise the vehicle ecosystem through targeted advertising and sponsorships. OEMs can partner with brands and advertisers to deliver relevant ads and promotions to users based on their location, preferences, and behavior. Revenue can be generated through ad impressions, clicks, and conversions.

  • Data Monetisation

    Leverage the data generated by third-party apps and services within the vehicle ecosystem to create new revenue streams. OEMs can aggregate and anonymize this data to provide valuable insights to advertisers, marketers, and urban planners, charging a fee for access to the data.

  • Partnership Programs

    Establish partnership programs with third-party developers, content providers, and service providers to co-create and distribute innovative solutions within the vehicle ecosystem. OEMs can generate revenue through partnership fees, revenue-sharing agreements, and joint marketing initiatives.

Warum sollten Sie sich für Drivetech Partners entscheiden?


Steigern Sie den Umsatz mit Mobilitätslösungen der nächsten Generation

Ein Fahrzeug nach dem anderen

Durch die Partnerschaft mit Drivetech Partners können Automobilhersteller traditionelle Geschäftsmodelle hinter sich lassen und das enorme Umsatzpotenzial aus dem Verbund erschließen.

Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, um das gesamte Spektrum der Möglichkeiten zu erkunden, die Ihre Marke im vernetzten Zeitalter erwarten.

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