Die Einführung nicht-terrestrischer Netzwerke (NTN) bietet eine neue Dimension der Konnektivität, die terrestrische Einschränkungen überwindet und sicherstellt, dass Fahrzeuge auch an den entlegensten Orten oder bei einer Störung terrestrischer Netzwerke verbunden bleiben.
NTNs, einschließlich Satellitennetzwerke und Höhenplattformen, bieten mehrere Vorteile für die Transportmobilität.
NTNs offer inherent resilience against infrastructure failures, natural disasters or geopolitical disruptions that may affect terrestrial networks.
In transportation mobility, where continuous connectivity is critical for safety and operational efficiency, the robustness of NTNs ensures uninterrupted communication and data transmission.
NTNs provide ubiquitous coverage, extending connectivity to remote or underserved areas where terrestrial infrastructure may be limited or unavailable. This global reach ensures seamless communication and connectivity for transportation systems operating across diverse geographic regions.
NTN providers are developing seamless roaming and handover between different network domains, enabling continuous connectivity for vehicles in motion across various coverage areas. This seamless transition ensures uninterrupted services for transportation mobility, regardless of location or network boundary.
NTNs are inherantly scalable, capable of accommodating the growing demand for connectivity in transportation mobility as well as adapting to dynamic operational requirements. Whether supporting a fleet of vehicles, monitoring infrastructure assets, or enabling passenger connectivity, NTNs can scale to meet evolving needs with ease.
Da Fahrzeuge immer stärker mit ihrer Umgebung vernetzt sind, wird die Rolle der Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X)-Technologie immer wichtiger.
Drivetech Partners verfolgt die Entwicklung des C-V2X-Ökosystems und untersucht die Bereitschaft der Infrastruktur, die Kompatibilität des Ökosystems mit Automobilstandards und die Skalierbarkeit, um eine Zukunft zu unterstützen, in der Fahrzeuge nahtlos miteinander und mit der städtischen Umgebung kommunizieren.
CV2X enables vehicles to communicate with each other (V2V), with infrastructure (V2I), and with pedestrians and cyclists (V2P), providing real-time information exchange about road conditions, hazards, and potential collisions. This enhances situational awareness and enables proactive safety measures, ultimately reducing accidents and saving lives.
By facilitating communication between vehicles and infrastructure, CV2X enables optimized traffic flow, reduced congestion, and more efficient routing. This leads to shorter travel times, decreased fuel consumption, and lower emissions, benefiting both individual drivers and the environment.
CV2X technology is essential for the development and deployment of autonomous vehicles (AVs). By providing vehicles with real-time data about their surroundings, including the movements of other vehicles, pedestrians, and road infrastructure, CV2X enables AVs to make safer and more informed decisions, leading to smoother and more reliable autonomous driving experiences.
CV2X allows vehicles to automatically alert emergency services in the event of accidents or other emergencies, providing precise location information and critical details about the situation. This enables faster response times and more effective emergency assistance, potentially saving lives and reducing the severity of injuries.
CV2X technology can be integrated into existing transportation infrastructure, such as traffic lights, road signs, and toll booths, to create a connected and intelligent transportation ecosystem. This enables smart traffic management, adaptive signal control, and dynamic road pricing, further improving traffic efficiency and safety.
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